Thursday, June 2, 2016

"Exploring the GARDEN OF EDEN Consciousness", led by Roger Cavnaugh, PhD

"Exploring the GARDEN OF EDEN Consciousness", led by Roger Cavnaugh, PhD
"Exploring the GARDEN OF EDEN Consciousness" - led by   Roger Cavnaugh, PhD Pre-Purchase , At-Door **please arrive at 6:30pm if you would like to order from the delicious vegan offerings at EVE.  You are welcome to enjoy any of the amazing teas, kombucha, & healthy delights available at EVE during our gathering, which will take place in the back room.  Thank you. Summary of the topic that Roger will continue to facilitate at EVE on June 15th:    "Even now while the old certainties are rapidly crumbling away, many highly creative people and self realized teachers are appearing, and we ourselves are becoming more aware of an inner knowing that takes us towards our ideals.  Now is the time for those of us who share this dream to clarify and strengthen our commitment to living our truth, and understand that we can best live that truth through mutual support and conscious interdependence.  Let's look at where we are right now on the path of this return and open to what might be done  and is being done locally to create what we can affirm are the next steps in realizing an advanced culture and community. " About our Storyteller: Roger Cavnaugh, PhD Roger is a long time core faculty member of CIHS teaching classes in Consciousness, Integral Theory and Shamanism. For over 25 years he has taught meditation, self-healing and personal empowerment. He is also a highly intuitive and compassionate healer, as well as a powerful speaker, inspiring group leader, business consultant and licensed psychologist. RESERVE TICKETS EARLY: Pre-Purchase , At-Door You may read more of Dr. Cavnaugh's writings on the Garden of Eden Consciousness below.   He may be contacted via THE PATH TO EDEN It may be the oldest, most essential, and one of the most inspiring stories we have. It's the story from which almost all others, except the Creation stories, of which in our tradition it is a part, descend. It's a story that has resonance in multiple traditions across diverse cultures and throughout innumerable times and places, the grand myth of a time when there was no separation of Heaven and Earth. We feel it now, the deep desire to be home. We know that endless consumerism and technological fixes without a moral foundation cannot possibly fulfill our desires for Love and create a world at peace that lives in harmony with Nature. The fact that Eden later came to be associated with The Temple, the Holy City, the Promised Land, and Heaven itself as the realm of the righteous, places we enter when we are without 'sin', points to a more relevant understanding:  Eden is a state of being, a consciousness of our inner life and the world around us that moves out of the ego's dynamic of suppression and fragmentation towards wholeness. The path to Eden is through our personal and collective efforts towards transformation; our movement away from the dominance of mind and into the heart. And the seeds of a New Reality, our return to Eden, are growing within and await more conscious support and development. In that movement our creative imagination, inspired by our deepest desires to return home, plays a key role. Imagine our return. Imagine a community of those aware of their true nature as Love. Imagine a community where each person brings that which is most excellent about them; a community where that excellence is not only recognized but welcomed and honored.  Such a community would be focused by a fundamental commitment to support the value of every person as a Divine being whose presence brings greater possibilities to the whole. Imagine each person in that community dedicated to their own truth and aware of the sacred in all of life. Imagine also that the unique talents of each person would be complemented by some other creative expression that brings added depth both to the individual and the community. Imagine that community as a matrix for transformation where multidimensional realities would be explored and invited into the realm of ordinary life, a community where higher consciousness would be the foundation of all that is created. That community would be a living mystery school where dogma would yield to open and fresh expressions of our impulses to know and live the Divine.  Spirituality would mean an acknowledgement of our potential and the freedom to explore what we can become. Received knowledge would not be recirculated as education. Instead, education would be rooted in our lived experience and draw from the entirety of our being rather than be limited to a mental calculus. Education would become a life long individual and collective process of discovering and creating from our inner truth, a process that answers the call of life to know itself in new ways. Imagine living consciously with others to shift the terms with which we come to this planet towards an ethic and practice of cooperation, dialogue, inclusiveness, and mutual support. Imagine a community where violence is recognized as obsolete and counterproductive for one and all, where reverence for life is embedded in all interactions, and conflict resolution is based on acknowledging the needs and dignity of each party. Imagine a politics that understands that freedom is the essence of our humanity and sees no need of coercion and manipulation; a politics that is vigilant in the support of free expression and invites universal participation in an ongoing dialogue of how to best live out our most sacred beliefs and universal values.  Imagine in this truly democratic polity those universal values and beliefs are the centerpiece of decision making and are explicitly agreed upon as defining that community. Imagine also that politics, like other aspects of life, is open to testing beliefs and assumptions through collective thoughtful inquiry and measured experience. Imagine leaders that embody the values they speak to and whose role is to evoke a consensus that expresses the highest good. Imagine an economy that brings resources to bear where they are most needed, and sees no need to deprive others or exploit the natural world in order to prosper. Imagine an economics where giving and receiving are balanced for each person and household because there is a pervasive commitment to the well being of all and a harmonious, respectful relationship with Nature. Such an economy would be human scale with no giant entities out of touch with the real needs of people. It would return power to the community, be based on local talents and resources, and understand that real wealth and success are not derived from possessing more and more material things but rather emerge out of the extent to which there is an individual and collective project to see and experience the Divine in all beings, all relationships, and all creation. Imagine a way of life in which this commitment to sacredness shapes all aspects of culture and creates new ways of being human and living in our home, this earth; and this sense of the sacred is an ever original, spontaneous and free expression of exploring and making real how the unlimited possibilities of our Divine nature can be the essence of the process of living. No doubt some version of this dream has been your aspiration as it has for so many others and has been expressed again and again by human consciousness throughout the ages. It is the possibility held up by our greatest sages and spiritual teachers as the core of their teaching and the example of their lives   Even now while the old certainties are rapidly crumbling away, many highly creative people and self realized teachers are appearing, and we ourselves are becoming more aware of an inner knowing that takes us towards our ideals.  Now is the time for those of us who share this dream to clarify and strengthen our commitment to living our truth, and understand that we can best live that truth through mutual support and conscious interdependence.  Let's look at where we are right now on the path of this return and open to what might be done  and is being done locally to create what we can affirm are the next steps in realizing an advanced culture and community. -Roger Cavnaugh

at EVE
575 S Coast Hwy 101
Encinitas, United States

Orignal From: "Exploring the GARDEN OF EDEN Consciousness", led by Roger Cavnaugh, PhD

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