Yesterday morning, when I rolled out of bed and unlocked my bike from the hallway banister, I felt all of the mornings for the past year shiver through my memory, from last autumn, breezing through the falling leaves and kicking up in a cycling whir of dust and wind empty potato chip bags and brown leaves; to the winter, when I'd strap on long johns and dread the half hour ride downtown, shivering for the first ten minutes until I eventually started sweating and arrived at the office red-cheeked and sweaty; to the early spring, when I traveled through the rainy drizzle and saw the drops grow larger until I was almost there and they hit the ground like BBs bouncing and I laughed for I had never seen it rain so hard; to the heat of summer when the blowing wind felt like a furnace, and people warned me not to bike, that it was too hot, and I laughed and went outside and although it was hot and it was one of the few times I had ever felt wind that made it hotter I still biked home, perhaps a little sweatier than normal .
Now the autumn has returned and I've got to prepare again for the colder weather. That means replacing the battery in my LED bicycle lights, sewing the rip in my waterproof pants, making sure I have plenty of spare tubes so I can change my tire if I get a flat in the rain. Bike supplies such as bicycle taillights and patch kits are also important to have, for safety's sake. I've also heard that the best way to lose weight is to alternate your heart rate between high pulsation and low for a minute at a time. The best way to do that is to buy heart rate monitors so as not to overexert yourself or take it too easy on the downside. You should pedal at 90%, then 50%, then 100%, then 40%, then 90% and then 50% again. Biking to work is healthy, safe, and a heck of a lot better than taking public transportation and being herded like cattle, or sitting in traffic and paying $ 4.00 a gallon for gas. Bi-weekly bike maintenance and seasonal bike supplies are all I need to make sure that I get to work on time, as well as getting a solid workout - year in, year out.
Bike Ahead is your source for bike supplies and accessories, including LED bicycle lights, heart rate monitors, cycling computers, GPS units and more.
Orignal From: Bike Supplies For All Year Round
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