After deliver their baby, most women will start to ask around this question: how to lose baby fat? Looking for the answer is easy; spare some of your time browsing the internet and buy several fitness magazines; you'll flooded with information about diet tools and methods . The problem is more than half of them are junk information that merely served as promotional purpose for certain fitness products or gadgets.
Exercise is a part of healthy diet and it is practically impossible to get rid of those excess fats without involving exercise (except if you're into fasting diet, which is bad decision if you're nursing). However, you will never achieve flat tummy if you let the media brainwash you about this; "spot reduction" and "cardio" that you've seen at late night infomercial are no more than tricks to promote their products.
Logically, if you can shed fat by put a fancy gadget around your tummy or arm, you'll meet someone with flat stomach and flabby arms or vice versa; but in reality, you never meet such person, right? The question "how to lose baby fat" can't be answered that easily; you can't expect a tool to do all the hard work for you; it just not works that way.
If spot training won't work, then how do you remove the baby fat? You'll never lose the fat if you aiming for certain spot, but you can do certain exercises to remove all the excess fat on your body simultaneously. That is the only way to burn fat effectively and that is why you will never know someone who have flat stomach and flabby arms at the same time. For flat stomach, your aim is achieving 16-18% body fat.
How to do that? This lead to the second manufacturer's hype: cardio. You'll find the "fat burning zone" in every treadmill and you are expected to play along with that. Regular cardio and "the fat burning zone" are offered as the best method to attain flat stomach, but is it really make sense that you can gain such magnificent result with exercise that you can do while watching movie? I don't think so, and the majority's results have proven it.
The real answer to the question "how to lose baby fat" definitely is not cardio, but resistance training. You can't do this while watching TV and it will require full effort and concentration, but the result is far more significant than mere steady pace cardio. In fact, a well designed resistance training session will burn a lot more calories while you're doing it and keep your metabolism revved long after the session ended. A recent research even shows that your metabolism will stay elevated for more than 36 hours after you've done with your training. Additionaly, lean muscle that you've gained from resistance training will increase your resting metabolic rate; this will allow you to burn fat all day long, each and every day. Can an aerobic class gives you that much? I don't think so.
Don't fall to any manufacturer's hypes anymore; throw away those useless gadgets and pills, don't ever focus on "fat burning zone" again, and start do it in the right way: avoid spot reduction and focus on resistance training. By doing the right thing, you'll get rid of that baby fat (and other excess fat all over your body) in no time.
Read the facts on a plan that developed by a busy mom to guide you to lose your baby fat by utilizing time efficient resistance training in my Fit Yummy Mummy review. Look at lose belly fat - ways to do it for more info about obtaining flat tummy.
Orignal From: Best Way To Remove Baby Fat - Throw Away Your Gadgets And Aerobic Class
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